Pricing is dependent upon the amount of (1) number of units in your building, (2) listings near your building, (3) features you want and (4) length of our agreement.
For the service where we are doing the matching, the number of units in a building matters because our human researchers will need to compare photos of units to all of the listings we scraped.
This is about the geography and popularity of your area. In New York city for example, there are usually thousands of listings to manually go through. In areas where there are less listings we can charge a lower amount per unit or even a per building charge.
We offer a service that just scrapes all the listings near your building - allowing you to comb through them yourself to see if any match your building. This service is priced differently than our full service where we do the matching for you with our dedicated team of human researchers.
We are willing to do month to month agreements where you manage the relationship with a credit card through our secure payment system (Stripe) or we do offer discounts for longer yearly contracts.
To know more about our pricing, please click